Saturday, March 9, 2013


Assalamualaikum WBR....

This week we have learned about number building. These are some notes that i have searched.

Why is Table 1 always presented as an option?
The basic number building rule in Dewey is that notation from Table 1 may be added to any number unless there is a specific instruction to the contrary. Thus, the number building tool always presents Table 1 as an option. It is up to the classifier to make the intellectual decision whether or not the addition of notation from Table 1 is valid at each point in the number building process.

Why can’t I start with a built number already in the DDC and add further to it?
The number building tool does not support extension to existing built numbers (other than direct addition of notation from Table 1 to the built number). If the number has been built with one step, the number building tool attempts to decompose the number automatically. If you click Start, the base number will appear in the Create-built-number box, and the notation taken away from the built number you started with will be displayed as the suggested addition to the base number in the hierarchy box.

When can I use spans in number building? Sometimes I get an error message, and sometimes I do not. 
Right now, the number building tool can only interpret add instructions under spans that feature a specific number to which something is to be added, e.g., “Add to base number 338.47 notation 001-999.” In the case of standard subdivision spans listed as entries in the schedules and Tables 1-6, you will need to start with the base schedule or table number, and then add the notation from Table 1.

Why am I brought to main class 0 when I am instructed to add notation 001-999? 
We do not have a record in the database for the span 001-999; hence, the number building tool cannot display the span. Instead, main class 0 and its subdivisions are displayed based on the first number in the span, 001. The main classes are always a click away in the footer; you can also search for the specific number you want to add next and select that record to display in the hierarchy box.

Why doesn’t the number building tool keep me from building numbers already in the system? 
The number building tool checks for the parent of a newly created built number, but does not report on matching numbers in the system (except in the case of a matching personal or institutional number already associated with your Web Dewey subscription). To check whether your built number already exists in the system, click on the immediate parent of the number in the hierarchy box after you save your built number but before you index it. For example, if you have built and saved the number 264.04102, click on its parent 264.041 before you index it. You’ll see that there is already a built number in the system that matches your number. Clicking on your number again will return you to the Modify built number box. You can choose to delete your number by clicking the Delete button under the Contribute button in the lower right-hand corner of the Modify built number box. You may also choose to continue with the indexing process and save a duplicate built number record with different indexing.

If I contribute a built number or someone else contributes a built number that matches mine, what happens to my Personal or Institutional built number record? 
If a built number that matches a Personal or Institutional built number is distributed to WebDewey, nothing happens to matching Personal or Institutional built numbers associated with your subscription unless you decide to take action on the matching Personal or Institutional built number records.

When do I need to use Add Local / Edit local? 
There are some known gaps in automatic assistance in the initial version of the number building tool for which we have developed some workarounds using Add local and Edit local. For example, there are some gaps in automatic assistance for the addition of standard subdivisions with more than one zero that are listed in internal tables. Currently, the number building tool only supplies the correct number of zeros for standard subdivisions that are explicitly listed as individual entries in internal tables; standard subdivision spans and other subdivisions of the listed standard subdivision cannot be added automatically with the correctly number of zeros. Instead, the classifier adds the notation from Table 1, and then uses Edit local to add the correct number of zeros preceding the Table 1 notation per the instruction in the internal table.

How can I fix segmentation marks that are missing or in the wrong place? 
The underlying Dewey data does not always contain machine-actionable instructions on which the number building tool can act to supply the correct segmentation. We will consider an extension to Edit local in a future version to address segmentation marks that have been supplied incorrectly or are missing.

Why do some user terms appear with the initial letter in lower case, even if the term is a proper noun?
The general rule for the automatic construction of user terms is to present the initial letter of each subdivision in lower case. You can edit the user term directly and then click Update to address any capitalization problems. In the case of geographic terms with incorrect capitalization, it is better to address the problem by adding the subdivision using the radio button; this will ensure that the correct MARC coding is captured underneath.

What happens if I assign a user term that matches a Relative Index term? 
The user-assigned terms appear in the same index as the Relative Index terms, but are preceded by a single or double person icon. If a user term matches a Relative Index term already in the system, it will appear on a separate line, preceded by the appropriate icon.

What happens if I want to delete the record for a number I have already contributed?
Once you contribute a number, it is sent to the Dewey editors (for the English-language edition) or to the team responsible for the specific language version other than English (e.g., Deutsche Nationalbibliothek for the German-language version of Web Dewey) and cannot be retrieved. If you click Delete after contributing a built number, the record (built number plus user terms) will be removed from your subscription.


We began class today with a discussion about the class number that we have made. En Abdul Razak has been reprove some mistakes that we do.

After learn way write call of number, I realized that this task require patience and persistence to explore books guide DCC.

Although this task is quite difficult, but I feel good to learn. I extremely grateful to the En Abdul Razak and of friends which always help my.

Class had to be stopped because technical problems which occur in Faculty of Education, UTM.

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